We’re away for The Weekender – or meeting up for coffee or brunch!

OFfering for Paula Maybery

On Sunday 26th May and 2nd June we are taking an offering with the hope of buying a replacement car for Paula Maybery as she provides needed care for her daughters. Below are details of how to give electronically:

Occasionally we feel it right to have the church step in to provide for someone in the church with a particularly difficult need. We would like to provide Paula funds to buy a replacement car – one large for a folding wheelchair which is needed – her previous car was too expensive to fix.

‍‍VIA YOUR BANK – with ref.

If you have internet banking you can set up regular giving yourself, our bank details are as follows:

Reference: PAULA

CAF Bank Ltd
Account No: 00029166
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Name:
Central Vineyard Northampton

‍‍ONLINE CARD PAYMENT (Paula’s fund only)

Secure payment can be made online via ChurchSuite This is a secure and private way in which you can give to Central Vineyard either as a one-off gift or on a regular basis.


On Sundays as part of our worship, we pass around bowl for cash/cheque giving. Please make cheques out to Central Vineyard Northampton, and mark them for NVV on the back.

If you’re our guest on a Sunday there is no expectation to give.