We are told in culture that you know the good life by accumulating. More = better. Yet, the more we gain, the more our happiness wains.
Simplicity, as a practice, helps us de-clutter our hearts to give us more room for Jesus, more space in our hearts, minds and lives for him. It’s not about minimalism, or a tidy house – it’s about clearing away the clutter from our hearts, the distractions that hold our attention away from him, fighting the persistent propaganda of more our culture tries to seduce us with.
catch up on the our teaching
Our Sunday teaching is available to listen to again online on our Podcast. Check out where you can find this below.
practices to try
Our practices are in no-way mandatory. But our encouragement is to come to each practice prayerfully.
We’ll post more of these in the coming weeks.
#1 Letting Go
Start small. Letting go of something we’ve grown attached to, or something in which we’ve attached our identity. Simple, but not always easy.
#3 simplifying our speech
Our mouths can get us into much trouble! Take some time to try and make your speech more fruitful with one straightforward practice:
An app from 24-7 Prayer helping families to engage with Scripture and prayer together. There’s a version for everyone here.
simplifying christmas
We’ll be putting out a few thoughts on how we might move away from consumerism this Christmas and toward a Christ-focused celebration… and no, it doesn’t mean no fun!
further reading and resources
Found this practice helpful and want to go deeper? Give these resources a go.
Do you have netflix?
It’s not often we suggest you head to a streaming service, but on 20th November 2024 a documentary called “Buy Now!” is being released, and it seems to focus around the psychology of selling/buying and the affects of our ‘excess’ shopping habits on the plant. What an apt time for release!
Please note this film does not yet have an age rating, may contain explicit language and views we don’t support.