This April and May we’re giving time to focus on prayer.
Prayer is essential to the life and rest of every Christian. It is connection with God, turning to him when all else fails, resting in his presence, allowing Him to speak, heal, convict, transform. And yet it is much more besides.
We’ll be teaching on prayer on Sundays. You can listen back here.
Join us in our 24/7 Prayer as we seek to pray over our churchfamily, wider community, contending for a move of God 24/7 Prayer prage.
Go deeper - try a prayer course
Each Spring we mix our Sunday teaching with excellent courses that help us turn what we’ve heard into something we do.
Check out this Spring’s options below.
Lectio Course
Lection Divina is a way of intertwining prayer and the Scriptures. We’ll be going through the Lectio Course by Pete Grieg and 24/7 Prayer over 5 weeks. Course options are below.
Practicing the Way Prayer Practice
This 4-week exploration of prayer is happening both in person and online, and is led by John Mark Comer and the team at Practicing the Way, with plenty to try during the week.
Prayer Resources
There are loads of great resources out there to help each of us engage with Jesus in prayer more. Here are just a few!
Contemplative prayer
Vineyard theologian and pastor Alexander Venter guides us through a simple prayer that centres us back on God.
Lectio for Families
An app from 24-7 Prayer helping families to engage with Scripture and prayer together. There’s a version for everyone here.
more practices
Spiritual practices help us follow in the footsteps of the one we follow – Jesus.
We’ve prepared some resources for you.