Practicing the way of Jesus, together, for the renewal of the Nene Valley.
Why we do what we do.
We want to be apprentices of Jesus. Being with him. Becoming like him. Doing the things that he did. And if we do this, we believe that our lives, and the life of our communities will be changed for the good of everyone.
We need each other. Simple. To become like Jesus, we need other people to encourage, challenge and love us. To knock the edges off. To walk together. Share meals together. Be for one another.
If all we do is build a great church, we’ve missed the mark. We believe we are to shape this vibrant and expanding region through every person playing their part, bringing God’s kingdom everywhere, in every way.
What matters to us most.
The people of God should be shaped by the presence of God. Changed by the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in us and through us. Not striving to be better, but resting in his presence and letting him take us on a journey. Seeing God’s kingdom, his healing power come where we go.
We want to be moulded into the image of Jesus. And this doesn’t happen by accident. We want to engage rhythms and practices that help us live the radical lives Jesus has for us. And we recognise we cannot be formed into his image alone, much of that shaping can only happen in relation to other people.
We want to live lives of selfless love, pouring out for one another regardless of race, religion, education, wealth or anything else. We want to be warm, welcoming, understanding – where ultimately church isn’t a place we go, but a people we belong to and give ourselves for.
Jesus is endlessly generous. And we want to be generous to those around us. To heal the broken hearted, pour love on the hurting, to alleviate pain and poverty. He is our provider, and we can never out-give him.
The story of Christianity is all about God repairing and making-new all of creation. And God invites us into that story. We pray for and act for renewal and goodness in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and institutions in all sorts of ways, big and small. Everyone gets to play.
We are convinced that planting churches means we can do more of the work of the kingdom in more places. We want to train, encourage and send out new church leaders to plant exciting, diverse and nimble church communities across the Nene Valley and beyond.
We do this by trying to shape our lives around 3 common aims:
Being with Jesus
Jesus modeled being with his Father whilst on earth. He deeply learned the Scriptures. He told us to wait for the Holy Spirit. So, we determine to be with in through prayer, scripture, engagement with the Holy Spirit, silence and more.
Becoming like Jesus
As we spend time with Him, He will form us into his likeness. We believe that God created humansto be God’s imagebearers on the earth, and that as we’re formed in Jesus, we’re formed back into that wholeness.
Doing what Jesus did
Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, restored people’s dignity, opposed oppression and injustice. He gave people hope. He ate with people. He loved the unlovely, and served others.
See who serves on our leadership team and in some other keys roles in the life of our church community. You’ll also find more detail about our accountability structures.
Following 27 years as Raunds Community Church under the leadership of Sandra & Roger Willetts, the church joined Central Vineyard as their Raunds location in October 2019. During the coronavirus pandemic, Central Vineyard’s Raunds and Wellingborough sites merged to form a new congregation meeting from May 2021, with Tom & Ash Nicholson taking on the baton of leadership.
Now we’re a church spread across a broad part of East Northants. To reflect this, in September 2021 Nene Valley Vineyard Church came to be.
OUR PARTNERS & Accountability

We continue to work closely as ‘a family of churches’ with church plants that have been birth out of Central Vineyard in the last few years, with a vision to plant even more churches across the south east corner of the Midlands and beyond.

We are part of the Vineyard Movement, a worldwide family of more than 2,500 churches in 5 continents with over 140 church locations here in the UK and Ireland.