Who's Who
Leadership & Accountability

L-R: Matt Stannard, Ashleigh Nicholson, Tom Nicholson, Sally Williams, Simon Williams, Liz Harris, Victor Evbuomwan, Augustina Evbuomwan (+ missing from photo, Andrew & Sarah Masson)
Our current leadership team consists of Tom & Ashleigh Nicholson, Victor & Augustina Evbuomwan, Liz Harris, Andrew & Sarah Masson, Matt Stannard and Sally & Simon Williams.
Together we provide oversight for the church, praying, seeking God for the long term health of our church community, doing our best to ensure people are cared for, things are managed well, but also providing direction for our community as a whole. Tom & Ashleigh are our Senior Pastors, and are accountable to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland (and, obviously, Jesus!).
who's who
AKA Ministry Leads

Tom Nicholson
Senior Pastor
Tom is responsible for general vision, keen to empower others. See Tom for questions around theology, teaching, training, church unity and general operations – as well as pastoral concerns.

Ashleigh Nicholson
Senior Pastor
Ashleigh co-leads with the church with Tom, with a heart for building an empowering community for women. Ashleigh is also contactable if you want to know more about Dot To Tot.

Ali Adams
Ali co-leads our worship in its various forms, helping recruit and equip musicians, rotas, developing the sound we make to Jesus together.

Angie Bester
Angie has been involved in the church in Raunds for over 25 years, and is someone whose teaching is loved! She has a degree in Biblical Studies, and a knack for making the complex simple.

Adrian Cottrell
As well as leading a community in Barton Seagrave, Adrian helps us administer our Communities, providing support to leaders/hosts and providing regular gatherings for those folks.

Jan Cottrell
Jan also helps lead our Communities alongside Adrian, helping Communities develop and step into the hope of having small groups who take seriously and gently the need to make disciples who make disciples, wherever they are.

Liz Harris
Children & Youth Pastor
Liz is responsible for work with those aged 3-18 primarily, as well as developing a team around those activities. This includes a variety of things including DTI, our midweek youth activities and provision on a Sunday. She also assists with safeguarding and DBS checks.

Maria Kift
Maria helps various ministry leaders with rotas and volunteer recruitment. If you want to know more about joining a team or finding a place to serve, Maria is here to help – when she’s not busy working and raising a family!

Andrew Masson
Associate Pastor
Andrew supports the leadership and our church community with pastoral support, helping carrying the vision of the church. Along with his wife Sarah, they also run our Walk This Way walks!

Sarah Masson
Associate Pastor
Alongside her husband Andrew, Sarah helps provide pastoral support and connection, particularly for newcomers. On the last Saturday of the month, she help run our Walk This Way walks.

Jaz Shaw
Dot To Tot
Jaz leads our fab term-time preschooler stay-and-play group Dot to Tot, amongst other things!
Mission Partners
We partner with a few local organisations where we see cohesion for the benefit of the kingdom of God in the Nene Valley and beyond. The folks below are folks who work with those organisations and are a part of our church.

Paul Hanson (?)
Street Pastors, W’boro

Bex Hunter
Souster Youth
We work closely with Souster Youth, engaging young people in a variety of ways – by deliver content and clubs for schools, supporting Souster’s programmes, and volunteering with their youth work in Thrapston in particular.

Carolyn Tompkins
Carolyn volunteers extensively with Christians Against Poverty and periodically leads CAP Money courses. She also volunteers with the FoodBank in Raunds and has co-ordinated some of our compassion and generosity efforts.

Sally Williams
Teen Challenge & Street Church
Sally (and husband Simon) are involved in Teen Challenge, Wellingborough, working with those who are homeless or marginalised, regularly hosting outreaches for those with addictions, struggling

Simon Williams
Teen Challnge & Street Church
Nene Valley Vineyard. Registered charity (No: 1207527). Our trustees are Maddie Robins, Bruce McLauchlan, Tom Nicholson, Steve Gee.