We’re away for The Weekender – or meeting up for coffee or brunch!

24/7 Prayer


As a leadership team we’re really away of what feels like an intensifying of the ‘spiritual battle’ in and around our church – more sickness, illness, financial struggles, mental health concerns, endless challenges with families etc. In response we want to try and do something different. We want to contend as much as we can by encouraging folks to join us for 24/7 prayer… long term.

Initially we’re going to try from Monday 20th May until the end of August 2024. Here’s how it works:

We’ve prepared this quick video to help walk you through the process of signing up to pray, and to access our ‘prayer wall’ (list of requests/prayer points) on Trello.


1. sign up to pray

Whether it’s an hour-per-day, and hour-per-week, an hour-per-month, or even just a one off. We know praying for an hour sounds daunting – so even if you can only pray for some of that time, do sign up.

You’ll be part of a string of pray-ers praying for our church community, those around us, for a move of God, responding to urgent prayer needs from individuals etc.

You may need to register with 24/7 Prayer (you can do so without signing up, we think) below – but then you can ‘book your spot’. You may do this as an individual, a couple, a household, a Community – the hope is simple that we’ll have folks praying as much as possible.

2. Find out what we're praying for

We’ve tried to make our ‘Prayer Wall’ as easy to access as we can. We have a login for a Trello Board where you can see the urgent prayer requests, alongside things we’re coving in prayer more generally. Please note, you do not need your own Trello account for this, only to login with our user. For login details please see the video in the blue “I need help…” box above. You can access Trello on your computer or other devices.

3. submitting a prayer request

We’ll always try to share prayer requests as we become aware of them (e.g. from WhatsApp, text messages etc we recieve), though this can create a bit of a delay. You can send an email to and have you prayer request automatically added to the Prayer Wall (it may take 2-3mins to appear).

To do this, use the email address above and make the email title/subject the thing you would like to appear as the title for item on the prayer wall (e.g. “Upcoming Operation for [name]”. To give more details, please use the email body/message – do note, Trello will add everything (including email signatures etc), so if you need to remove these before sending, please do – we will try to edit this type of thing as we spot it.

praying together

As we go on, we want to create more spaces to gather to pray.

If you would like to get in touch, or needs help accessing the online prayer sign-up/calendar or Prayer Wall please email

Submit prayer requests to