S.O.A.P - Bible Study Method
When it comes to studying the Bible, there are a bunch of great “methods” or frameworks to use. Here we explore “S.O.A.P” – Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer.
For this we recommend your write a journal. You can do this without a journal for sure, but it is designed to follow a structure ideal for reflection.
To start, take a moment to pause and pray. Try to clear your mind of the “stuff of life”, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read. Get your passage of Scripture, read it once, maybe twice. Here’s what to then include in your journal:
1. Scripture
Note the Scripture reference, e.g. “Colossians 1:1-2, Genesis 12…”
2. Observation
What is something about the passage that stood out to you? I might be one thing, maybe a couple. Whatever it is, note it down. If you have tim, write why you think it stood out to you etc.
3. Application
We’re not just meant to read the Scriptures, but “do them”. Be transformed by them. From your observation, how might this passage apply to you? What change do you need to make? Where is the Holy Spirit inviting you to explore your innermost self with him? Do you need to spend time with others from this? Find community? Whatever the application, right it down. This is where a journal comes in handy. From time-to-time, read over these application points and ask yourself “how am I doing with that?”
4. Pray
Pray. Invite Jesus into your day, into your transformation. Ask the Spirit to help you apply what you’ve read, to live with you and nudge you where you’re not living up to your application point. Enjoy his presence!